More than 1,400 mothers and fathers from all over Spain have participated in the Congress “Educar en una sociedad líquida“, organized by FEPACE, the Federation of Associations of Parents of Fomento, in collaboration with the APAs of the Entreolivos and Tabladilla Schools, held at the Cartuja Center Auditorium in Seville
The Cartuja Center space in Seville hosted the opening and closing ceremony of the Congress. The workshops on Saturday morning were held at Fomento’s Tabladilla and Entreolivos schools.
Communicating values
Public debate in the liquid society is in favour of us all sharing our vision and values. However, any controversial issue causes social tension; among other reasons, because social networks contribute to the polarization of opinions. In this context, we should rely on a dialogue based on actual contact that puts the person ahead of the ideas, generating an empathy that concentrates on what unites us and not on what we don´t like or separates us and that seeks positive communication.
Boundaries that help growth
Lack of time and doubts are the greatest difficulties for parents when educating. Children need boundaries and rules that help them feel safe. We can help them grow by talking with them and making them understand that saying “no” is also saying “I love you and I want to help you grow.”
Mistakes as a learning opportunity – Teaching with humour
It is important to teach children that frustration and difficulty are part of life; these are experiences that help us grow. In order to do this, parents can help them train the will, optimism and hope to be mature, responsible, independent, happy and autonomous people, with a kind outlook, de-dramatizing and ironing out their exaggerations, understanding that failure teaches that sometimes you win and other times you learn.
How to make good things happen for you
Teaching optimism is about promoting an attitude oriented to seeing reality as it is and facing it with tranquillity. Any situation can be seen either as a problem or an opportunity. Parents and educators know that the society in which we move shapes us and shapes what our children will become. How they act will determine the attitude of their children to life’s difficulties. In any event, teaching by example is the main tool at hand.
The media in post-truth times
The information revolution caused by the Internet allows us to easily gain access to a great quantity of information and yet we are more vulnerable than ever to being deceived. We can be well informed in this era of post-truth and populism by avoiding becoming broadcasters of fake news.
Focusing attention
The multitude of stimuli we receive through new technologies can make us lose sight of what we really want. Social networks are a great source of knowledge, but also of distraction and superficiality. Parents can help their children by creating good attention habits: to learn to think and to minimize the impact of uncontrolled stimuli and desires.
The experts who have participated in the congress “Educar en una Sociedad líquida”
Juan Pablo Cannata. Degree in Social Sciences, Sociology, Political Science and Communication. Master’s degree in Sociology.
Maria Jesús Álava Degree in Psychology. Master’s degree in Pedagogical Psychology and Specialist in Psychodiagnostics.
Irene Villa. Degree in Audiovisual Communication, Psychology and Humanities.
Gregorio Luri. Teacher. Extraordinary Prize of Degree in Sciences of Education. PhD in Philosophy.
Marian Rojas Estapé. Physician and Doctor specializing in Psychiatry.
Narciso Michavila. Doctor of Sociology and Master’s degree in Statistics. President of GAD3.
Luis Gutiérrez Rojas. Physician and Doctor specializing in Psychiatry.
Ana Sánchez de la Nieta. Graduate in Journalism. Expert in strategic communication and Storytelling.
Luis Blázquez Degree in Law and Business Administration. Director of Interaxion.
One of the characteristics of Fomento de Centros de Enseñanza is the involvement of the Associations of Parents in schools, which has been occurring for more than 50 years. Among its objectives are the participation of families in the education of their children and collaboration between families and schools. All Associations of Parents of Students of Fomento are associated with FEPACE, a country-wide federation.