18-19 Fomento Annual Report

You can now consult the digital version of the 18-19 Fomento Annual Report.

This new edition of the report presents information on the 2018-2019 academic year including: academic results, which continue improving; information on the English Project of Fomento, which continues to expand bilingualism in our schools; innovation projects, which arise from the experience of teachers and the impulse of the Directorate of Education.

Solidarity activities are growing, in which the entire educational community is involved; teacher training activities; family orientation courses, which are increasingly attended by parents; and the activities of Fomento Alumni, to which more alumni are added in more cities.

The report includes the 39th FEPACE Congress, held in Seville; the recognition of the Villanueva University Centre (Centro Universitario Villanueva) as a Villanueva University (Universidad Villanueva); and the progress of Empantallados  during its third year of activity.

At Fomento, every student is unique, so we promote education based on academic, human and Christian foundations that attends to the integral development of the person.

Congratulations to all Fomento professionals who work to make this possible; and to the parents who have entrusted their children’s education to our project.

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