
12-16 años

El Proyecto Educativo de Fomento para Secundaria pretende transmitir a las alumnas los elementos básicos de la cultura; afianzar los hábitos de estudio y trabajo que favorezcan el aprendizaje autónomo y el desarrollo de sus capacidades y, finalmente, formarlas como ciudadanas responsables.

Un tercio de las asignaturas en Secundaria se imparten en inglés. Siguiendo las recomendaciones del Consejo de Europa plasmadas en el documento Common European Framework for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, se refuerza el aprendizaje del inglés como primera lengua extranjera y se aplica la metodología CLIL en algunas materias, con el fin de aumentar la competencia plurilingüe.

Las alumnas pueden obtener los títulos en el propio colegio; el objetivo es lograr que la mayor parte de las alumnas termine la etapa con un nivel de inglés equivalente al B2, acreditado por Cambridge.

Fomento propone un modelo educativo de identidad cristiana que hace posible una enseñanza personalizada, atendiendo a los diferentes intereses y motivaciones que presentan las alumnas, y una educación de calidad e innovadora.

Proyectos de innovación

Pre-Primary School | Primary School | Secondary School | Baccalaureate

STEAM project

A program that brings together different learning methodologies that develop logical thinking and experimentation. They are framed within this Scratch program in Primary School, the Fomento Science Project and the Physics and Chemistry Projects in ESO and BAC.

Primary School | Secondary School | Baccalaureate


A project developed by Fomento at the Baccalaureate level that introduces students to the design and construction of robots, promoting interdisciplinary learning in STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics).

Bilingualism | Secondary School

Team Talks!

Team Talks is a project aimed at secondary students to continue working on the appropriate skills to carry out a formal debate.

Bilingualism | Secondary School | Baccalaureate

Speaking Time

A project aimed at Secondary School (ESO) students, directed by a native person who works with groups of two people. Its objective is the achievement of B2 and C1

Bilingualism | Secondary School | Baccalaureate


A project developed by Fomento at the Secondary School (ESO) and Baccalaureate stages, which allows students to continue developing communication skills. This project is based on argumentation and discussion on various topics, whilst respecting the opinions of others at all times.

Secondary School | Baccalaureate


Based on Learning through Projects, entrepreneurship training is provided, with the objective that students learn and acquire skills that will benefit them in the future.

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