The two robotics teams Canigo, “Vetus Artem” and “Novum Aera” have qualified for the national grand final of the tournament First® Lego® League.
The team “Ancient Art” is made up entirely of 2nd year students of ESO. Last Saturday, February 3d, they won the “I am an Engineer” Award in the regional phase of the competition after a great performance by their team and their robot. And thus, they got their ticket to the grand final.They also received the nomination of “Global Innovation Awards”.
Team classification “New Air” made up of 3rd and 4th year students ESO, took place on February 17th. During the celebration of the First Lego League from Barcelona: they obtained the first Innovation Award and the second Engineer Prize “I am”.
“I am an Engineer” Awards for the two teams of the Canigó School
This international competition has taken place in more than 100 countries for almost 30 years. It promotes interest in learning in science and technology amongst young people . The initiative invites students to create a project and participate in a competition to understand concepts related to STEAM areas.
Participants develop their skills in an exciting competition consisting of three challenges: design and program a robot, share and develop the values of teamwork and research and develop an innovative solution that solves a real problem on a topic that varies annually. In this edition, the topic to be developed is “the role that STEM areas play in art”.
The awards received this year by the two teams of the Canigo School: Engineer Award “I am” of Vetus Artem, second Engineering award “I am” and first Innovation Award of Novum Aera, qualifies both teams for the Spanish Grand Final that will be celebrated in Alicante on March 16th.
Congratulations and good luck to our teams!