Thank you, teachers, for lighting up the world

On Teacher's Day, celebrated annually on November 27, we want to congratulate each and every one of our teachers. And we do it through this video that shows the essential educational work that teachers carry out in each school, in each classroom and with their own name.

On Teacher’s Day, celebrated annually on November 27, we want to congratulate each and every one of our teachers. And we do it through this video that shows the essential educational work that teachers carry out in each school, in each classroom and with their own name.

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They are the protagonists of the educational action. With their work, their passion and their example, often invisible, they make the most valuable thing a reality: accompanying each student and each family.

Teachers who educate, who promote innovation and who work as a team

Fomento teachers are professionals committed to their work and to the educational project of Fomento, aware that their work has a great impact on the education of their students and the improvement of society.

From their research, experience and work in the classrooms, projects arise that, with the promotion of the Education Directorate, contribute to innovation in all areas, favoring the complete training of students.

In a process of continuous improvement, Development teachers try to acquire new personal and professional skills; that enable them to develop the quality education that characterizes the Development project.

Promotion teachers work as a team for the best achievement of the educational project and, above all, for the personal and academic improvement of each student.

Teachers who accompany each student and each family

Fomento teachers make personalized education in Fomento possible. In collaboration with parents, the first educators, they accompany each student so that they can give their best.

The teachers carry out an individualized advisory task, through tutoring with each student and periodic interviews with their family. By defining common objectives, this accompaniment action helps each student get to know themselves, develop their abilities and want to be better every day.

On a day like today we recognize the important, decisive task that teachers carry out.

Thank you for your dedication, your enthusiasm and your involvement.

Today and every day, thank you, teachers, for lighting up the world!

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